Coming in at Number 1 on my list of the Sequels that never were list, but we wish they had made.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit needs a sequel. It kills me that this movie never got a sequel, because it hands down my number 1 choice of movies that should have, but never did. This movie was a true classic and the only reason it never got a sequel is due to legal and rights issues that are too complex to figure out. A sequel was talked about numerous times and it is the first question that Robert Zemeckis is asked whenever he is promoting a movie. It was animation meets film noir detective story. It included classic cartoon characters from Disney, Warners and many other studios. I would love to a sequel of this classic and it happened to be Russ's top pick as well. Rather than go on and on about this film and why it needs a sequel ---instead check out a blog I did awhile back on my Disney page about a screening of the film I went to last year.
Here is a blog I did awhile back about a special screening I went to at Disneyland
Here is our recent podcast where we discuss wanting a sequel to this and many other films. Find out what else made my list as well as what made my co-hosts lists in a fun discussion.
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