It took almost 30 years for them to make a sequel to Tron. If Tron Legacy hadn't already happened ...Tron would be the number one movie on my list. Tron Legacy was the sequel --that we never got to Tron for 30 years and wanted. It didn't remake or reboot Tron -- instead it did an awesome job of building on the original film. It brought back 2 of the main characters and did an excellent job of passing the torch to a younger generation at the same time. The music and visuals were amazing and set us up for more fun in the Grid. Additional Tron movies were supposedly in the works and then Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars. So now a sequel to Tron may never happen, not because it wasn't good or wanted -but because Disney has these other sure fire properties and doesn't need to risk money on a Tron Sequel --when Star Wars and Avengers movies will each gross a billion dollars. So a sequel to the Tron sequel that took us 30 years to get --would now be my number 2 most desired Sequel that will probably never happen.
Here is our recent podcast where we discuss wanting a sequel to this and many other films. Find out what else made my list as well as what made my co-hosts lists in a fun discussion.
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