The Story
Agent Carter hits the ground running right out of the gate.
It's companion show Agents of SHIELD took awhile to develop before it was firing on all cylinders. Agent Carter hit the airwaves in full stride from the beginning. This 8 episode show that is taking place in the middle of Agents of Shield's season is big screen worthy. The show follows the adventures of Captain America's old flame from the 1940's Peggy Carter (played by Haley Atwell). The premiere episode starts out with Howard Stark (Iron Man's dad) being accused of being a traitor as many of his secret projects are being sold to enemies. Howard enlists Peggy Carter to prove that he is innocent. The story sets up that several of Howard Stark's secret projects have been stolen and Peggy Carter has to make sure they don't fall into the wrong hands. The plot is perfect as each week there will be a Macguffin for her to go after, while trying to prove that Howard isn't a traitor. Peggy Carter kicks ass with the help of Howard Stark's butler Jarvis (yes the same name as Tony Stark's robot butler from the Iron Man movies.) The only thing that I don't like is that currently there are only 8 episodes --because this is my new Must See TV Show. I can't wait to see what happens in the upcoming episodes. It seem to be leading towards the moment in the Marvel cinematic universe where Howard Stark enlists Peggy Carter to start SHIELD. I also love how it ties in with the other show and the films. The fact that Marvel brought in big creative guns that worked on the Captain America movies --really makes it feel like it is a part of the movie universe.
The Look and Feel of the show
The stylish look and feel of the show are terrific. The 1940's setting gives the show a feel like the classic film Rocketeer or the original Captain America (both directed by Joe Johnson). It's film noir coolness and kick ass spy intrigue. This show feels like a movie series and I liked it better than the original Captain America movie (which it used some footage of for Captain America flashbacks). Check out the trailer below and check it out on ABC.
After watching the show check out a weekly podcast about the show as well. Agents of Shield: Case Files which does a Podcast about Agents of Shield also is covering Agent Carter as Well
Also check out our own Podcast where we recently covered upcoming Marvel projects from this Marvel Universe that is doing such an amazing job with it's movies and TV Shows.
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