The Professional was a stylish cool movie about an Assassin that takes in a young girl after her family is murdered. Starring Jean Reno (who Andy from our podcast described as the Nic Cage of France) and Natalie Portman when she was a young girl. I would love to see a sequel of this movie with Natalie Portman. It would be kick ass to see what became of her character. A plot where she had left all of the assassin business behind and was for some reason forced back into it again could be amazing. A movie in the vein of Taken --but with Natalie Portman wielding a gun and taking people down. I would be all in if someone could get Luc Besson to make this movie. First in line.
Here is our recent podcast where we discuss wanting a sequel to this and many other films. Find out what else made my list as well as what made my co-hosts lists in a fun discussion
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