Super Bowl Movie Trailer Grades
The Lone Ranger B+
The movie will definitely be one of my must see movies for 2013 --just because of Johnny Depp and Gore directing. The trailer was good---but I actually liked some of the previous trailers better
World War Z D+
It looks like an overly Digital Zombie Mess......Skip it an watch Walking Dead
Oz The Great and Powerful A+
I just hope the movie is as good as the trailers have been. It looks incredible, but I'm not a big James Franco fan.

Fast and Furious 6 B
Really the Fast and Furious 6??? Well the trailer actually made it look pretty good and it does have the Rock in it

Star Trek into Darkness C
Really another Khan wannabe.....come up with something new already.....I'll probably see it, but I don't have high hopes for what I call Alternate universe Trek

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